Aldreda Glossary

Cultural Language

Joining Bracelet Bands exchanged by a couple to formalize their union. They are worn constantly by mated couples to signify their relationship. Bracelets are commonly made out of gold, silver, or pewter. A stone in the center or a decorative or symbolic design in the center is common. Multi-colored thread/ribbons are braided into bands that wrap around the wrist and secure the bracelet. Colors chosen may have special meaning or may not. Heirloom bands are often passed down to heirs within a family.

Kavesh Common curse word used frequently in Calderre, Eldridge, and Zamyra

Lightning Forces/Lightning Team A special force made up of elite Calderran warriors. The Lightning Forces has several divisions (rescue, reconnaissance, etc) which each have several teams in operation. These highly trained teams usually include at least one member with a magical ability.

Mate/Mated Individuals (mates) are bound to each other until the union is dissolved or death takes one of the pair. Couples may choose to be mated for a variety or reasons, and need only to register the mating with their realm for the mating to be formally recognized. Individuals joined in a love match (as opposed to a mating for political or other reasons) are sometimes referred to as “bonded mates” due to the connective bond that grows between them.  

Royal Aspirant A young woman competing for the Calderran crown. Must be descended from the royal female bloodline, possess magic, and not currently holding a contradictory title (such as matriarch).

Preddari – Eldrin rank of elite hunter. Each preddari controls a designated territory in Eldridge. Preddari hunt but are also responsible for training and solving any problems with the regular hunters in their territory.

Shimira – A majestic and fierce leopard from a mythical story.

Soul-Bond – A bond tying two individuals together on an elemental level. Over time, the bond can strengthen to the point of the souls weaving together and becoming permanently entwined. Soul-bonds are the deepest level of bonds and can only be formed naturally, they cannot be manipulated by anyone/anything. Mates with soul-bonds can share emotion, energy, power, magic, and can sometimes speak telepathically to each other. Each bond is unique to the couple and their strengths and abilities. Due to their rarity, soul-bonds are often spoken of as being legendary or mythical.

Soul-Guardian – A individual who vows to protect, mentor, and take responsibility for a child. May be designated by parents at the child’s birth or later. Exists across all cultures, but those with magic believe that deep bonds develop between the adult and child. Formal vows may or may not occur to seal the relationship. A guardian will usually give a token to the child to represent the relationship. The child in the pairing is referred to as a soul-daughter or soul-son.  

Wolflumen – A clan of ancient warriors based out of Calderre. They operate outside the military and government structure. Individual warriors are also referred to as Wolflumen and commonly join the clan before age 10. Must possess very strong magic and a willingness to make a life commitment to the clan, forsaking other relationships and responsibilities.

Nature & Animals


Bonyon Fruit – A  Zamyran fruit. Light brown outside, pale purple inside, with a green center. Has several unique properties: creates warmth in the body, improves circulation, and amplifies the senses. Often ingested as an enjoyable intoxicant in small amounts. Also used medicinally for hypothermia treatment.

Frost Berries – Sweet purple berries that grow in the snowies regions of Calderre. They are harvested when frosted over with ice. Can be eaten whole, used for baking, or pressed into a syrup.

Leopard’s Bane – Low green plant with giant heart shaped leaves fringed with purple around the edges. Plants grow large enough to fit a person beneath the leaves.

Yolun Tree – Large trees with very thick, heavy branches that expand outward (not only angled up vertically), a favorite forest highway for small and large creatures alike.

Amethyst – Stone of the royal house of Calderre

Amorite – Black stone with a purple hue. It is used in everything from weapons and jewelry, to buildings. It is very difficult to mine and shape without the use of magic. In ancient times, the stone of the royal house of Zamyra (not favored by current rulers).

Rokan Steel – Strongest type of steel available to use.



Ice Leopard – A rare breed of leopard found only in the high mountain territories of Calderre. Fiercely protective of their territory and families. Make their homes in ice or rock caves.

Osa – Small furry creature similar in look to a red panda. Intelligent, nimble animals that are curious and like people. Color of fur varies by environment and can camouflage to match the surrounding environment to a certain degree. Forest osas are a blend of brown and red. Snow osas are a blend of white and silver.